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BOLOGNA: 20 finest things to Do & locations to go to

As a tourism powerhouse, Italy is usually on the listing of concern countries for worldwide travelers to Europe. Rome, Venice, Milan, Florence, as well as Naples are a few of the cities that tourists look ahead to. as well as then, there’s Bologna.

Bologna may be widely known among the locals, however it is frequently overlooked by foreigners. The funding of the Emilia-Romagna region, it is a famous food destination with many gastronomic wonders waiting to be discovered. It has a history that dates back to the time of the Etruscans as well as ancient Romans. The historic center is house to many centuries-old towers as well as churches, vestiges of a storied past. The city is likewise house to the university of Bologna which is the oldest university in Europe.

Bologna is an fascinating location to check out since of its rich culture, tasty food, as well as long history. If you’re interested to go to Bologna, right here are some activities as well as tourist areas to think about for your itinerary.

Co je uvedeno v této příručce?

1. free walking tour of Old Town
2. Piazza Maggiore
3. Basilica of San Petronio
4. San Petronio’s Terrace
5. The two Towers
6. Portico di San Luca
7. Santuario di Madonna di San Luca
8. Archiginnasio of Bologna
9. Piazza Santo Stefano
10. eat Ragú Bolognese
11. eat Tortellini, Tortelloni, Tortelacci
12. eat Mortadella Bologna
13. Old market in the Quadrilatero
14. Torre Prendiparte
15. The national Art Gallery of Bologna
16. Archaeological Museum
17. Santa Maria della Vita Church
18.Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna (MAMbo)
19. museum for the Memory of Ustica
20. Parco della Montagnola

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1. free walking tour of Old Town

The old town of Bologna is full of charm. when you walk into it, you’ll be transported to one more epoch. Its 12 gates in different specifies of repair work are like portals into a different time. You may go into with any type of of these gates to get to the old town proper. like in many locations in Italy, you’ll discover centuries-old churches mingling with gorgeous terra cotta buildings.

If budget plan is an issue, you can join a free walking tour. The tour we joined was run by this business as well as will take you to the key areas around the Old town including the following:

Two Towers

Piazza Maggiore

Basilica di San Petronio

Basilica Santo Stefano

Archiginnasio (Anatomical movie theater as well as Library)

Jewish Ghetto

A tour guided will be with you the entire time, explaining the stops as well as providing insights along the way. however in situation you’re not aware: free walking tours aren’t precisely free. It is free, in theory, however you are expected to provide a tip at the end, which is the only method the guides can make some money.

Schedule: Saturday/Sunday 11am
Meeting point: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana (at the base of Asinelli, one of the two towers)
Duration: 2 hours

2. Piazza Maggiore

The Piazza Maggiore is a central square in the old town; it’s full of history as well as beauty. The square dates back to the 1200s, however the name ‘Piazza Maggiore’ only ended up being official in 1945.

Some locations of rate of interest in the square include the Palazzo dei Banchi, Basilica of San Petronio, as well as Palazzo d’Accursio just to name some. In the adjacent square stands the Fountain of Neptune (Fontana di Nettuno), a civic Mannerist monument developed in the 16th century.

Address: Piazza Maggiore, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
Nearest Train Station: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Maggiore stop (Bus A, C, 29, or T2)

3. Basilica of San Petronio

The building of Basilica di San Petronio began in the 14th century as well as completed in the 15th century, except for the facade which is yet to be completed as much as this day. named as well as devoted after Bologna’s customer saint as well as found at Piazza Maggiore, this Gothic-style church is thought about an important landmark of the city. The Basilica likewise features an ancient sundial as well as a museum. It likewise homes some relics as well as 22 chapels.

Address Piazza Galvani, 5, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
Nearest Train Station: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Maggiore stop (Bus A, C, 29, or T2)
Opening Hours: 7:45 AM – 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Daily)
Entrance Fee: FREE; €2 (Taking pictures inside)

4. San Petronio’s Terrace

Located at the back of the big Basilica of San Petronio, dealing with Piazza Galvani, Terrazza di San Petronio is one more draw of the church. This serves as a view deck for those who want to get one more point of view of the city as well as the surrounding structures. There’s a lift that will take you up the deck for €3.

Address Piazza Galvani, 5, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
Nearest Train Station: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza GalVani Stop (autobus A nebo 29) / Piazza Maggiore Stop (Bus A, C, 29, nebo T2)
Otevírací doba: 11:00 – 13:00, 15:00 – 18:00 (pondělí – čtvrtek); 11:00 – 13:00, 14:30 – 18:00 (pátek – neděle)
Vstupní poplatek: 3 EUR

5. Dvě věže

Tyto dva století staré věže jsou ikonickými památkami Bologny. Během středověkého věku bylo vyvinuto mnoho věží, ale mnoho z nich se zhroutilo nebo bylo zbořeno. Le Due Torri jsou jen některé, které stále stojí. Budování těchto struktur někdy trvá až deset let. Využití z nich se liší od věznic po domy po obchody. Dva slavné věže jsou Torre Degli Asinelli a také kratší věž Garisenda. Tyto struktury sahají do 1100 a také znamení města. Dále se můžete podívat na Asinelli Tower tím, že lezení na vrchol.

Adresa: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, 40126 Bologna Bo, Itálie
Nejbližší vlakové nádraží: Bologna Centrale
Nejbližší autobusová zastávka: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana Stop (T1 nebo T2 Bus) / Rizzoli Stop (Bus 11, 13, 14 nebo 30)
Otevírací doba: 10:00 – 18:00 (denně) Vstup je uspořádán každých 30 minut.
Vstupní poplatek: 5 EUR (dospělý); 3 EUR (sníženo)

6. Portico di San Luca

Jedním z aspektů, které poskytují Boloňce jeho definující charakteristiky, je existence portiků. stejně jako není překvapivé, že zde je objevena nejdelší síť na světě. Portico di San Luca spojuje centrum města s náboženským i kulturním památkou Bologna, svatyni Madonna di San Luca. Via Saragozza splňuje přes Portico di San Luca v Arco del Meloncello, obvyklým skokem pro ty, kteří to chtějí zažít pěšky. Portico di San Luca se táhne téměř 4 km a také má více než 600 portiků.

Adresa: Via Di San Luca, 36, 40135 Bologna BO, Itálie
Nejbližší autobusová zastávka: Meloncello Stop (Bus 20, 58,94, 671, 672, 686, 706, 826, nebo 856) / Bivio San Luca (Bus 20) / Basilica di San Luca (Bus 58)

7. Santuario di Madonna di San Luca

Tento Santuario di Madonna di San Luca, posazený na vrcholu 300m Colle della Guardia Hill, je slavným poutním místem a turistickým cílem v Boloni. Nachází se jihozápadně od Starého města s Portou Saragozza jako nejbližší brána. Věnovaný Panně Marii se stane každoroční náboženský průvod, počínaje Basilica di San Petronio, všechny metody stejně jako Santuario di Madonna di San Luca, pokrývající portiko di San Luca. Pozorovací balíček Dome je také fantastickou oblastí, která získá panoramatický výhled na město. San Luca odhaluje turistické vlakové raketoviny turisty z Piazza Maggiore do baziliky. Jízdné na lístek na zpátečníku je 10 EUR.

Adresa: Via Di San Luca, 36, 40135 Bologna BO, Itálie
Nejbližší autobusová zastávka: Meloncello Stop (Bus 20, 58,94, 671, 672, 686, 706, 826, nebo 856) / Bivio San Luca (Bus 20) / Basilica di San Luca (Bus 58)
Otevírací doba: 7:00 – 12:30, 14:30 – 18:00 (pondělí – sobota); 9:00 – 18:00 (neděle)
Vstupní poplatek: zdarma; 5 EUR (pozorovací paluba)

8. Archiginnasio z Bologny

Společnost Alma Mater Studiorum, založená v roce 1088, je nejstarší univerzitou v Evropě. Dnes je jeho centrálem Palazzo Poggi. Avšak již více než dvě století od roku 1563 byla primární univerzitní budovou Palazzo Dell’Archiginnasio.

Jedním z prostorů Archiginnasio je Teatro Anatomico (anatomické kino a knihovna), kde disekce veřejných karoserie zaujaly umístění na lekcích univerzity. Občas byly disekce také provedeny, zatímco inkviziční kněží sledovali. Objevíte odstupňovaná dřevěná sedadla a stůl s mramorovým vrcholem obklopeným komplikovanými stěnami a stropy. Rovněž je v docházkové vzdálenosti od Piazza Maggiore.

Adresa: Piazza Galvani, 1, 40124 Bologna Bo, Itálie
Nejbližší vlakové nádraží: Bologna Centrale
Nejbližší autobusová zastávka: Farini Stop (Bus 11, 29, 30 nebo 39) / Piazza Galvani Stop (Bus 29, A, nebo C)
Otevírací doba: 10:00 – 18:00 (pondělí – pátek); 10:00 – 19:00 (sobota); 10:00 – 14:00 (neděle/svátky)
Vstupní poplatek: zdarma; 3 EUR (anatomické kino a také přednáška)

9. Piazza Santo Stefano

Plaza je trojúhelníkový tvar, který je pojmenován po bazilice di Santo Stefano, který se nachází v této oblasti. Podobně se nazývá SEVEN CHURCHES SMETRE, je chápáno pro historické struktury, které jej obklopují, kromě baziliky di Santo Stefano.

Některé z nich jsou Palazzo Isonani, Palazzo Bolognini Amorini Salina, stejně jako Casa Berti. Plaza je preferovaným místem pro koncerty, kulturní akce a také spravedlivé obchody. Z autobusové zastávky Piazza Minghetti projděte se přes Farini směrem k Via Santo Stefano. Z autobusové zastávky Strada Maggiore projděte přes Gerusalemme, dokud nedosáhnete přes Santo Stefano.

Adresa: Via Santo Stefano, 40125 Bologna BO, Itálie
Nejbližší vlakové nádraží: Bologna Centrale
Nejbližší autobusová zastávka: Piazza Minghetti Stop (Bus 11, 13, nebo T1) / Strada Maggiore Stop (autobus 14, 19, 25, 27 nebo 62)

10. Jezte Ragú Bolognese

Ragú Bolognese je podpisové jídlo of Bologna that is usually paired with flat, wide pasta, especially tagliatelle.

The traditional Ragú Bolognese is slowly cooked utilizing a range of components like meat (pork and/or beef), onion, celery, carrots, tomatoes, milk, as well as white wine. The sauce is seldom paired with spaghetti, which is typical outside Bologna.

11. eat Tortellini, Tortelloni, Tortelacci

Is this some type of a tongue twister? Well, it’s not. Haha.

Tortellini is a round-shaped pasta, likewise called belly-button pasta, as well as resembles a dumpling. It is usually stuffed with meat as well as cheese. Tortellini en brodo is a pasta meal that you should try while in Bologna. It’s basically tortellini in a broth or soup.

Tortelloni bears the exact same shape however bigger in size as well as is frequently stuffed with leafy vegetables as well as cheese. Tortelacci is likewise a stuffed pasta that is much bigger than tortelloni.


12. eat Mortadella Bologna

Mortadella is like a sausage on steroids. This type of sausage is HUGE. It’s made from finely ground pork with incorporated fats that make it appear marbled. This savory heat-cured sausage is usually seasoned with myrtle berries.

There are many versions of mortadella however the commonly prominent is the Mortadella Bologna.

13. Old market in the Quadrilatero

Qudrilatero is strategically found at the heart of Old town Bologna. It dates back to medieval times, making it the oldest food market of Bologna. The narrow streets of the old market, lined with shops as well as restaurants, are similar to the old times. a few of the landmarks near Quadrilatero are Piazza Maggiore, two Towers, Basilica di San Petronio, as well as Teatro Anatomico to name a few. It is bordered by via dell’Archiginnasio, via Farini, via Castiglione, as well as via Rizzoli.

Nejbližší vlakové nádraží: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Maggiore stop (Bus A, C, 29, or T2) / Piazza Galvani stop (Bus 29, A, or C) / Piazza Minghetti stop (Bus 11, 13, 90, or 96) / Rizzoli stop (Bus 11, 13, 14 or 30)

14. Torre Prendiparte

Also called Torre Coronata, this 60m-high 12th-century tower utilized to be a defense tower. It is located in the old town as well as is one of the well-preserved historical structures in Bologna. It likewise ended up being a seminary and, later on, a prison for those who dedicated crimes against the church as well as the religion.

At present, all 12 floors are accessible as well as a parapet serves as a viewing deck for those who want to get a panoramic view of the city as well as the close-by landscapes. It likewise functions as an events venue.

Address: 40126 Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy
Nejbližší vlakové nádraží: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Indipendenza stop (Bus 11, 27, 62, A, or F); From here, you can walk towards via del Monte. When you reach the end, turn right to via Carbonara. You’ll area the tower when you reach the end of the street as well as turn left.
Opening Hours: observation Deck 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Monday – Saturday); closed (Sunday)
Entrance Fee: €5 (Prendiparte Tower sky observation Deck)

15. The national Art Gallery of Bologna

If you like or understand something about paintings, a stop at Pinacoteca Nazionale is a possible addition to your itinerary. It has a collection of different Emilian paintings over the centuries (13th to 18th). It’s found in the university district, northeast of the city center.

Address: via delle Belle Arti, 56, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy
Nejbližší vlakové nádraží: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Porta San Donato stop (Bus 20, 25, 27, 28, 36, 37, 61, 89, etc). You can walk to the gallery from here.
Opening Hours: 8:30 AM – 7:30 PM (Tuesday – Sunday); closed (Monday)
Vstupní poplatek: 5 EUR (dospělý); €2 (Reduced)

16. Archaeological Museum

Located near Piazza Maggiore along via dell’Archiginnasio as well as just across Basilica di San Petronio, Museo Civico Archeologico cradles important archaeological artifacts unearthed in as well as around Bologna that tell the regional origin from prehistoric to Etruscan to the Roman period.

It likewise homes considerable Egyptian relic collection. The museum, inside the 15th-century Palazzo Galvani, was opened to the public in September 1881.

Address: Galleria Cavour, via dell’Archiginnasio, 2, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
Nejbližší vlakové nádraží: Bologna Centrale
Nearest Bus Stop: Piazza Maggiore stop (Bus A, C, 29, or T2) / Piazza Galvani stop (Bus A or 29)
Opening Hours: 10:00 A

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