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12 nejlepších výletů z Kodani

jako financování i spoustu obydleného města Dánska, Kodaň je plná historickými památkami, jakož i kulturními památkami, které mohou rychle vyplnit jakýkoliv typ týdenní trasy návštěvníka. Pokud však plánujete vidět blízké atrakce, další města v Dánsku, stejně jako i v jiných sousedních zemích, Kodaň je rovněž výjimečnou základnou. Díky své účinnému i pokročilému dopravnímu systému.

Plánování, aby se Copenhagen svůj skok-off poukaz na jiné blízké atrakce? Právě tady je několik míst, které můžete vidět na denní výlet.

Co je v této příručce pokryto?

1. Helsingør.
2. Hillerød.
3. Roskilde.
5. Odense
6. Nykøbing.
7. Dragør.
8. Lyngby.
9. Møns Klint.
10. Legoland Dánsko
11. Malmö, Švédsko
12. Lund, Švédsko
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1. Helsingør.

Nachází se ve východním Dánsku, řada kilometrů severně od Kodani, Helsingør (také Elsinore) je klíčovým i hektickým přístavním městem podél průlivu Øresund. Vypracování nejužšího bodu průlivu s Helsingborgem ve Švédsku, jméno pocházelo ze slova “hals”, která označuje “úzký průliv”.

Z jeho formování v 15. století město využilo k fungování jako “mýtné brány” pro zahraniční lodě procházející průliv. Dnes, to slouží jako hektický terminál pro trajekty plavající cestu mezi Helsingør, stejně jako Helsingborg ve Švédsku).

Jeden z nejznámějších kulturních i historických památek je hrad Kronorborg, s výhledem na Øresund půdu, stejně jako který je věřil být motivací pro Elsinore v Populární klasické hře William Shakespeare, Hamlet.

Oblíbené atrakce: Kronborg Zámek, M / s námořní muzeum Dánska, kulturní dvůr, kulturní přístav Kronborg, domy Kingo, socha Han (Malá mermaid bratr), stejně jako dlažební kamenné uličky.

Dostat se tam: z Copenhagen Central Station, tam jsou přímé vlaky do stanice Helsingør pomocí linky pobřeží. Doba cestování je 45-60 minut. Terminál Helsingør Port / Ferry je jen kousek od vlakového nádraží.

2. Hillerød.

Jihozápadně od Helsingør, stejně jako asi 30 kilometrů severně od Kodani je Hillerød. Byl založen v 16. století, stejně jako dříve pojmenovaný Frederiksborg. S Dánmarkovým čtvrtým lesem Gribskovem na severu, stejně jako Woodland Store Dyrehave na jihu, Hillerød, který naznačuje “Clearing v lese”, žije stejně jako jeho jméno.

Mnoho rozpoznatelných památek je hrad Frederiksborg ze 17. století (Hillerød slot). Stejně tak domy Frederiksborg Museum. Zámek hradu je vybaven jezerem i obrovským barokním zahradám.

Populární zajímavosti: Frederiksborg Castle (Hillerød slot), stejně jako zahrady, Muzeum Frederiksborg, Muzeum Hillerød Town Museum, Zřícenina Opatí æbeltholtů, Opatství Esrumød, Anglický porozumění, Hillerød porozumění, stejně jako kulturní park, stejně jako trasy Grib lesa.

Dostat se tam: z Kodani, vezměte si S-vlak do stanice Hillerød pomocí společnosti Nordbanen. Doba cesty je asi hodinu.

3. Roskilde.

Roskilde je nalezen západně od Kodaně. Jeden z nejstarších měst v Dánsku, jeho historie může být vysledována zpět na více než tisíc let, když to bylo centrum Skandinávie obchodu. Vikingové ovládali oblast pro většinu středověku, zejména od 8. do 11. století. To bylo rovněž financování Dánska z 11. století do poloviny 15. století.

Rychle dopředu do současnosti, Roskilde je akademický, stejně jako servisní centrum Dánska Zélandu regionu. Cestovní ruch je významným přispěvatelem v ekonomice, se zavedeným zařízením cestovního ruchu, jako jsou hotely, restaurace, stejně jako nákupy.

Stændertorvet (hlavní náměstí) je centrem Starého Města. Katedrála Roskilde UNESCO je jedním z hlavních památek města. Je to poslední odpočinek umístění mnoha dánských monarchů.

Populární zajímavosti: Roskilde katedrála, Stændertorvet, Roskilde Palace, Roskilde Station, Muzeum vikingské lodi, Muzeum současného umění, Muzeum současného umění, Země Legends Super-Air Museum, Roskilde Sklenice, Skomagergade, Algade, Hestetorvet, Byparken, Stejně jako Folkeparken.

Dostat se tam: z Copenhagen Central Station, odvést vlak do stanice Roskilde pomocí dánské primární linie. Doba cesty je asi 30 minut. Trivia! Stanice Roskilde je nejstarší pracovní nádraží v zemi, stejně jako železnice mezi Roskilde, stejně jako Kodaň je nejprve vždycky železniční trati v Dánsku. Stanice slouží meziměstně, regionální stejně jako celosvětové vlaky.


Jægersborg Dyrehave, nebo jen Dyrehaven, je jedním ze tří loveckých areálů, stejně jako lesy v Severním Zélandu zařazené do světového dědictví UNESCO v roce 1995. Nalezeno severně od Kodaně, to zahrnuje asi 11 kilometrů čtverečních lesů, stejně jako zeleně.

Dyrehaven je také chápán pro jeho jelenový park, stejně jako kolosální dubový trees. It is house to a big population of red as well as fallow deer. Within the park is the Hermitage, the royal hunting lodge.

The a lot of prominent entrance to the forest park is the Klampenborg Gate, found near the Klampenborg Station. All entrances are marked with red gates as well as similar entrance houses. The forest park is a preferred leisure as well as experience destination for cyclists as well as riders.

It likewise holds events such as Hubertus Hunt, Day of the Kite, Ermitage Race, as well as an annual movie theater production by the royal Danish Theatre.

Five Areas: Eremitagesletten, Ulvedalene, Fortunens Indelukke, Mølleåen, as well as Von Langens Plantage

Getting There: From Copenhagen, take a train to Klampenborg station by means of coastline Line or Line C if taking the S-Train. Doba cesty je asi 20 minut.

5. Odense

Located over 160 kilometers southwest of Copenhagen on the island of Funen, Odense is historically understood as the sanctuary of those who worship Odin (a Nordic god), for this reason the name. It was one of Denmark’s oldest cities as well as utilized to be a commerce hub during the middle Ages.

Today, Odense is one of the largest cities in the country as well as the administrative seat of Odense Municipality. It still retains its condition as the industrial hub of Funen with markets like breweries, agriculture, as well as floriculture. It likewise boasts diverse buying districts.

It is the birthplace of world-famous fairytale author, Hans Christian Andersen. one of the prominent vacationer attractions is the youth home of the author, which is converted into a museum — Hans Christian Andersen Museum.

Popular Attractions: Hans Christian Andersen Museum, Odense Cathedral, St. Alban’s Church, Ansgars Church, Nonnebakken, Odense Palace, The Funen village Open-Air Museum, as well as the Møntergården, just to name a few.

Getting There: From Copenhagen central Station, take a train to Odense station by means of Copenhagen–Fredericia/Taulov Line. The travel time is about an hour an a half.

6. Nykøbing.

Situated in the southern part of the country as well as over a hundred kilometers south of the capital, Nykøbing Falster lies mainly on Falster Island however likewise includes an area on Lolland Island.

The islands are separated by Guldborgsund Strait, however the Frederick IX Bridge links the two. The history of the city dates back to the 12th century. Today, although not as hectic as the other major cities in Denmark, Nykøbing Falster has a industrial district with shops as well as restaurants.

Facing the northern part of Germany, it is likewise a prominent summertime vacation for the Germans, at least for those living in the north. the most famous landmark is the 20th century water tower, Nykøbing Vandtårn.

Popular Attractions: Nykøbing Vandtårn (Water Tower), Czarens Hus CTsar’s House) as well as the Falsters Minder inside the building, Ejegod Windmill, Klosterkirken (Nykøbing Church), Nykøbing Falster Brandmuseum, as well as Middelaldercentret (Middle Ages center Open-Air Museum) in Sundby on Lolland Island.

Getting There: From Copenhagen central Station, there are direct trains to Nykøbing Falster Station. There are likewise trains that need train transfer either on Ringsted station or Koge station to get to Nykøbing Falster Station. The travel time is about two hours.

7. Dragør.

Located on the southeastern part of Amager Island as well as about 12 kilometers south of Copenhagen, Dragør utilized to prosper as a seafaring town in the second half of the 19th century. Its roots goes method back to the 12th century as a fishing port as well as later on established as a trading port.

It boasts well-preserved structures, particularly in the old area of the town. It has captivating cobblestone alleys lined with standard Danish red-roofed yellow houses.

Popular Attractions: Dragor Old Town, Mølsted Museum, Dragør Museum, Amager Open-Air Museum, The Kastrupgaard Collection, Dragør Harbour, as well as the primary street.

Getting There: From Hovedbanegården (Tivoli Gardens) in Copenhagen, take a bus (Bus 250S) to Dragør. Alight at Dragør Skole Bus stop on Vestgrønningen Street. The travel time is about 45 minutes. The old town is just a short walk from the bus stop. You will understand you reach the old town when you see the cobblestone streets.

8. Lyngby.

Kongens Lyngby, or just Lingby, is a popular buying destination in the suburbs north of Copenhagen. The busiest street is Lyngby Hovedgade, where shops line the whole stretch. the most prominent buying locations are Magasin du Nord as well as Lyngby Stocenter. The street is not far from Lyngby Station.

Apart from shopping, Lyngby likewise has an Open-Air museum featuring gardens, old buildings, especially from the mid 17th century to the early half of the 20th century. It likewise showcases farms as well as livestock. You may even bump into costumed actors.

It is found additionally north if coming fromLyngby Hovedgade. The nearest train stations are Fuglevad station as well as Brede station (local train).

Popular Attractions: Lyngby Hovedgade buying Street, Open-Air Museum, Lyngby Lake

Getting There: From Copenhagen, take the S-Train to Lyngby station by means of Nordbanen Line (Hillerød Radial Line). Doba cesty je asi 30 minut.

9. Møns Klint.

In the southeastern part of Denmark on the beak-shaped Møn Island, Møns Klint covers about six kilometers of the island’s eastern coast. This stretch of chalk cliffs, dealing with the Baltic Sea, is one of the most popular natural attraction in Denmark.

The secured nature reserve area is likewise an attraction on its own, encompassing hills, pastures, forests, as well as bodies of water. There are path paths for trekkers as well as cyclists around the park as well as going to the cliffs. There are likewise tracks leading down to the beach from specific points along the cliff tops.

The greatest cliff is Dronningestolen, rising at 128m (asl). The cliffs alone draw swarms of tourists yearly.

Other Attractions: Aborrebjerg hill (one of the greatest points in the country), GeoCenter Møns Klint, picturesque trails, Liselund Park, Klintholm Estate, as well as the Mandemarke Bakker (viewpoint).

Getting There: The easiest, fastest, as well as least expensive choice is by driving/renting a car, However, if you don’t have worldwide driver’s license, you can get on a train from Copenhagen to Køge Station. From Køge Station, transfer train to Faxe Ladeplads Station. From there, take a taxi to Møns Klint. In summer, there are routine bus services to the jumping-off point. The travel time by means of public transportation is about three hours.

10. Legoland Dánsko

For style park lovers, particularly those who are fans of Lego considering that childhood, this is a deserving destination outside Copenhagen for both adults as well as kids.

Established in 1968, Legoland Billund resort is found next to the original Lego factory in Billund. It is one of the most checked out vacationer attractions in the country, joining Tivoli gardens as well as Dyrehavsbakken in the list.

As of composing the park has nine themed areas featuring rides as well as shows. The Miniland area especially showcases popular landmarks in Denmark as well as other few structures from around the globe.

Themed Areas: Miniland, experience Land, Duplo Land, Knight’s Kingdom, LEGO motion picture Wolrd, LEGOREDO Town, creativity Zone, Ninjago World, Polar Land, as well as Pirate Land.

Getting There: From Copenhagen central Station, there are no direct train routes, so you requirement to alight at Vejle Station. From there, walk to Vejle Trafikcenter as well as get on a bus (Bus 43) bound for Billund. This bus will stop at Legoland Bus Stop. The travel time is about three hours.

11. Malmö, Švédsko

Situated on the other side of Öresund Strait, Malmö is linked to Copenhagen by the Öresund Bridge. It is the thrid largest city in Sweden as well as one of the earliest industrialized towns in Scandinavia. The advancement halted after the post-industrialism.

However, considering that the introducing of the Öresund Bridge, the city swiftly kept up with other major cities in Sweden as well as with the neighboring city Copenhagen in Denmark in terms of urbanization, drawing in investors, university students, as well as people seeking work. one of the huge business that make Malmö its headquarters is IKEA.

Despite the surge in facilities development, the city still preserved lots of historic buildings as well as parks. one of the considerable historical landmarks is the St. Peter’s Church, the oldest building in the city.

Popular Attractions: St. Peter’s Church, Malmö Synagogue, turning Torseo, Stortorget, Malmöhus Castle, Moderna Museet Malmö, Ribersborg, Pildammsparken, as well as the Västra Hamnen (Western Harbor) neighborhood.

Getting There: From Copenhagen central Station, take a train to Malmö station by means of Öresund Line, passing with Öresund Bridge. The travel time is about 40 mimutes.

12. Lund, Švédsko

Located a few kilometers northeast of Malmö, Lund is one more fascinating stop in Sweden as a day trip from Copenhagen. well established around the 10th century, the city is thought about one of the oldest Swedish cities. From being under the policy of Denmark, the city officially ended up being part of Sweden in 1720 with the 1658 Treaty of Roskilde.

The historic core has the 11th-century Lund Cathedral as its centerpiece. one more cultural landmark is the 17th-century Lund University, the oldest as well as largest in Scandinavia. Město

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