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Updated: 02/02/20 | February 2nd, 2020

Colombia is one of the most popular countries in South America for backpackers and travelers. In 2017 (the last year there were figures), it saw over three million visitors — three times as numerous as there were 10 years ago!

Over the past few decades, Colombia has been working hard to dispel the violent image it earned thanks to the drug cartels that once ravaged the country.

While Colombia still isn’t perfect, it’s come a long way because our parents’ generation.

Violent crimes that were once common here, such as murder and kidnapping, are no longer everyday issues for travelers. Kidnapping has declined 92% and homicides are down by 50% over the past two decades.

Slowly but surely, conditions in Colombia are improving for locals and tourists alike.

But a lot of people still ask me: is Colombia is safe?


My Experience in Colombia

10 safety suggestions for Colombia

Is Colombia safe for Solo Travelers?

Is Colombia safe for Solo female Travelers?

Is it safe to Take a Taxi in Colombia?

Is the Food safe in Colombia?

Can You drink the tap Water in Colombia?

Should You visit Colombia?

My Experience in Colombia

Before I went to Colombia, I’d heard numerous stories of petty theft. While there, I heard even more. A friend of mine had been robbed three times, the last time at gunpoint while on his way to meet me for dinner.

Locals and expats alike told me the same thing: the rumors of petty theft are true, but if you keep your wits about you, follow the rules, and don’t flash your valuables, you’ll be OK.

There’s even a local expression about it: “No dar papaya” (Don’t give papaya). Essentially, it implies that you shouldn’t have something “sweet” out in the open (a phone, computer, watch, etc.) that would make you a target. keep your valuables hidden, don’t wander around places you shouldn’t at night, don’t flash money around, avoid coming out of nightlife spots alone at night, etc. simply put: don’t put yourself in a position where people can take advantage of you.

I heeded such advice. I didn’t wear headphones in public. I didn’t take my phone out unless I was in a group or a restaurant, or completely sure no one else was around. I took just enough money with me for the day when I left my hostel. I cautioned friends about wearing flashy jewelry or watches when they visited.

But the longer you are somewhere, the much more complacent you get.

When you see locals on their phones in crowded areas, tourists toting thousand-dollar cameras, and kids wearing Airpods and Apple Watches, you begin to think, “OK, during the day, maybe it’s not so bad.”

Suddenly, you step out of a café with your phone out without even thinking about it.

You’re giving papaya.

And someone wants to take it.

Which is how I ended up getting mugged and knifed. (Jsem v pořádku.)

This was also just a matter of being unlucky and not particular to Colombia. A wrong-time-wrong-place situation. It could have happened to me anywhere where I didn’t follow the safety guidelines that help you reduce risk.

The experience reminded me of why you can’t get complacent. I gave papaya. I shouldn’t have had my phone out. It didn’t matter the time of day. That’s the guideline in Colombia. keep your valuables hidden. (Especially in Bogotá, which does have a higher rate of petty crime than elsewhere in the country.) I didn’t follow the advice.

And I got unlucky because of it. I’d been having my phone out too often and, with each non-incident, I grew much more and much more relaxed. I kept dropping my guard.

What happened was unlucky, but it didn’t need to happen if I had followed the rules.

This is why people cautioned me to be careful.

So, if you follow the rules, you’re unlikely to have a problem. All those events I talked about earlier? All involved people breaking the ironclad “no dar papaya” guideline and either having something important out or walking alone late at night in areas where they shouldn’t have.

I’m not going to let this freak event change my view of such an incredible country. I’d go back to Colombia the same way I’d get in a car after a car accident. In fact, I was awfully upset to leave. I was having an incredible time. I still love Bogotá. I still have plans to go back to Colombia.

Colombia is amazing.

Learn from my mistake. Not only for when you visit Colombia but when you travel in general.

10 safety suggestions for Colombia

You can’t get complacent in Colombia. once you do, bad things happen. You have to stay vigilant. To help you stay safe during your trip, here are a few suggestions you’ll want to keep in mind as you travel around the country:

1. stay somewhere with 24-hour safety and security – You always want someone around in case you need assistance. many hostels and hotels have safety and security cameras or guards. If you don’t feel safe somewhere, don’t hesitate to relocation on. This way you always have someone to speak with in case something goes wrong.

2. Don’t flash your belongings while you’re out and about – keep your phone out of sight, and don’t wear any jewelry or watches. If you need to use your phone, do it inside and not out on the street. This is where people get in the most trouble. This is how I got into trouble. put everything away so you don’t stand out.

3. Don’t travel alone at night – try to go out with other travelers if you’re going out at night. If you do plan to go out alone or party late, be sure to take an Uber home or have someone call you a cab. Don’t walk alone really late at night.

4. learn some Spanish – even just a few phrases can help you in an emergency. download Spanish on Google Translator so you have it offline as well, just in case.

5. download an offline map of the city – having a map will be helpful in case you get lost and need to guide yourself (or a taxi driver) back to your accommodation. If you use your phone at night, be sure to not use it out in the streets.

6. Don’t do drugs – The drugs cartels have crippled this country. Don’t support them by purchasing drugs. Locals don’t like it because drugs have so devasted the country and doing it just even more cripples the country. It’s really disrespectful. Additionally, getting involved with drugs here increases your chances of getting into trouble. Also, doing drugs here is illegal, and you don’t want to end up in a Colombian prison.

7. keep your valuables separate – never carry all of them together. When you’re going out for the day, leave some credit report cards and cash in locked in your accommodation. That way, if you lose your wallet, you’ll still have cash and cards back at your hostel. also keep some emergency funds in your main backpack too, just in case.

8. If the worst happens, just give the attacker your stuff – Handing over your things is much better than risking the alternative (trust me). If you have travel insurance, you’ll be able to get reimbursed (just be sure to save all of your receipts).

9 . download the Prey app to your phone and laptop – If either device gets stolen, for a small fee you’ll be able to track it and remotely turn on your video camera to photograph the thief (you can also wipe the data and message the thief také). The app is totally free to download and only costs $5 USD for additional support ought to you get robbed.

10. purchase travel insurance – If something does go wrong, you want to be sure you’re covered and someone has your back. travel insurance can help you find medical treatment and give you money to purchase replacements for what was stolen. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially in a country where petty crime is still a problem.

We recommend world Nomads for travelers under 70, while Insure My trip is the best choice for travelers over 70.

For much more information on tarvel insurance, check out these posts:

What Does travel insurance actually Cover?

The 7 best travel companies in 2019

How to purchase the best travel Insurance

planning a trip to South America?

get all my best travel suggestions to South America as well as a totally free planning toolkit that includes my 61 best travel tips, favorite companies, a step-by-step planning checklist, and a guide on how to get totally free flights!

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So, is Colombia safe for Solo Travelers?

Colombia is safe for solo travelers. While petty crime is still a problem, as long as you don’t flaunt your valuables, you’ll likely not run into any problems. When you go out, only take what you need for the day and leave your other valuables in your hostel or hotel room.

If you’re not feeling comfortable, try to meet other travelers so you can explore together. That way you’ll never be alone and will avoid being a target for pickpockets and petty criminals.

At night, make sure you’re never traveling alone and that you have your ride home planned in advance. Don’t get into sketchy cabs. avoid wandering around non-touristy areas at night and alone.

I never felt really unsafe in the country during the day or in public places. You’ll see locals with phones out and, generally, going about their life. It’s really at night that you have to be careful.

Is Colombia safe for Solo female Travelers?

While solo female travelers will want to take some extra precautions in Colombia, the country ought to certainly still be under consideration.

Whenever possible, avoid traveling alone — especially at night or in areas where there are not numerous people. Don’t flaunt any valuables, and avoid taking taxis alone at night. always have a downloaded map and translator so you can find your way home or ask for help if you need it.

By taking some precautions and planning accordingly, solo female travelers will be able to have a gratifying time trAveling Kolumbie. Jen se ujistěte, že postupujete podle výše uvedených pokynů a návrhů!

Zde je několik užitečných zpráv o bezpečnosti napsané našimi sólovými odborníky na cestování:

Jak zůstat v bezpečí jako sólová cestovatelka

8 mýtů o sólovém ženském cestování Debunked

10 běžných QSestions o sólové ženské cestování

Je bezpečné vzít si taxi v Kolumbii?

Taxíky jsou zde bezpečné, ale vždy se ujistěte, že zavoláte taxi předem. Nikdy se nedostane do náhodného vozidla. I když to vypadá jako taxi, nemusí to být jedno. Vždy je lepší hrát to bezpečně.

Získejte svůj hostel nebo ubytování, abyste za vás zavolali kabinu, nebo si stáhněte aplikaci pro taxi (Uber je v Medellín, Cali a Bogota), takže si můžete zakoupit svůj vlastní. Vyvarujte se užívání taxíků v noci (zejména jako sólová cestovatelka).

Je jídlo v Kolumbii bezpečné?

Jídlo v Kolumbii je docela bezpečné. Jen se nezapomeňte vyhnout jakémukoli jídlu, které celý den sedí na slunci. Hledejte místa se spoustou patronů – tak můžete říct, že jídlo je svěží a chutné.

Také se ujistěte, že jakékoli ovoce, které jíte, má kůru, aby se zabránilo kontaminovanému.

Pokud jste vegetariánský nebo máte jiné stravovací obavy, můžete být těžko tlačeni k nalezení jídla, protože mnoho jídel je založeno na masu. Naučte se některé základní fráze (nebo stáhněte si Google Translate), které vám pomohou klást otázky a najít potraviny vhodné pro vaši stravu.

Nakonec si vždy umyjte ruce, než budete jíst. To je nejlepší způsob, jak se vyhnout onemocnění!

Můžete pít vodu z vodovodu v Kolumbii?

Zatímco vylepšení úpravy vody přichází, nemůžete opravdu pít vodu mimo Bogota a Medellín.

Navrhoval bych, abyste cestovali s životností nebo steripenem, abyste mohli čistit vodu bez ohledu na to, kde jste. To vám pomůže ušetřit peníze a snížit vaši spoléhání se na plast s jedním použitím. Double Win!

Měli byste navštívit Kolumbii?

Je tedy Kolumbie bezpečná?


Zatímco malicherná krádež je rostoucím problémem, země má tolik co nabídnout neohroženému cestovateli. Existuje neuvěřitelná povaha, dynamická města, zábavný noční život a rostoucí komunita podnikatelů a digitálních nomádů, kteří volají Kolumbii domů.

Je to levné a snadné navigace a pokud budete sledovat své instinkty a používáte zdravý rozum, vyhnete se problémům.

I když jste sólová cestovatelka, Kolumbie má ještě co nabídnout.

Takže zatímco moje osobní zkušenost v Kolumbii nekončila dobře, určitě plánuji vrátit se.

Protože je to příliš neuvěřitelné místo k návštěvě.

Nezapomeňte získat cestovní pojištění pro případ, že by se něco pokazilo. Minulost není prolog a vždy to chcete hrát bezpečně. Cestovní pojištění tam bylo, když jsem ztratil tašku, zlomil si fotoaparát a dostal se v Kolumbii. Nikdy jsem neočekával, že se tyto věci stanou a byl šťastný, že jsem měl pojištění! Níže uvedený widget můžete vyhledat k vyhledávání pojistky na cestovní pojištění, která je pro vás nejlepší (nebo stačí kliknout sem a přejít přímo na jejich stránky):

cestovní pojištění. Snadné a flexibilní.

Do kterých zemí nebo regionů cestujete?

např. Thajsko, Vietnam



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Americká Samoa




Antarktické nadjezd


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